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Plainspeak: New &
Selected Poems
For many
I have
regarded the
literary voice of
Dixon Hearne as one
of the most
distinguished voices
of the American
South. After reading
New and Selected
Poems, however, I
quickly realized
that his poetic
voice is equally
effective in
capturing the very
essence of the
American West: its
native peoples,
flora, fauna, and
starkly beautiful
landscapes. In this
collection of
poetry, Hearne
writes of the
Apache, Crow,
Lakota, Anasazi,
Caddo, and the
"crying voices" of
the Choctaw on the
Trail of Tears. He
writes of the wind
whispering through
the skulls of
countless buffalo
slaughtered almost
to extinction. If
the vast landscapes
of the West could
speak, they would do
so in a spare,
highly skilled, and
powerfully evocative
voice like Hearne's.
—Larry D.
Member, Texas
Institute of
Letters, 2008 Texas
Poet Laureate
Dixon Hearne can
gaze at a barren
southern or
landscape and sense
the presence of
those who lived
there in the past,
human and animal
spirits alike. In
these life-affirming
poems, he reminds us
of our sacred duty
to be “keepers of
Mother Earth, not
despoilers of it.
—Julie Kane,
2011-2013 Louisiana
Poet Laureate
It’s truly rare to
find a poet equally
adept at
illuminating both
physical and
topographies. Poem
after poem, Dixon
Hearne’s Plainsong:
New and Selected
Poems unearths
truths of human life
and of American
landscape in a
journey from lush
Appalachia, through
the wetlands of
Louisiana, and into
the native life of
the American west.
His lines pop with
the rattle of a
snake’s tail and
flow like tufted
clouds across blue
skies. Whether
describing a bighorn
clash or the sadness
of a lonely
rainfall, Hearne’s
is an art driven by
passion, clarity,
and respect for what
makes us human.
—Jack B.
author of Elliptic
and Bone-Hollow,
True: New & Selected
is vintage Dixon
Hearne. He is a
landscape painter
whose palate is
poetry, and his
subject is Mother
Earth from her
swamplands and
bayous and the
majestic Mississippi
to the canyons and
deserts of her west.
His poems reverence
the Earth's "ancient
seedlings" and the
heavens above in
their "pastel tiers"
but they also
explore the "tableau
of seasons" where we
see how
change--natural and
influenced her and
us along with it.
Among the "chards of
history" that Hearne
uncovers are elegiac
reminders of
disappearing tribes
and roads. But above
and through it all,
Hearne assures us
there are places
still "haunted with
beauty." Emerson and
Whitman both would
enjoy Hearne's
—Philip C.
co-editor of Down to
the Dark River,
Univ. Distinguished
Prof. (Emeritus)
Order now at
Publishing Group proudly
Delta Flats: Stories
In The Key Of Blues And
From the piney
hills of northern
to the raw and decadent
streets of New Orleans,
Delta Flats: Stories in
the Key of Blues and
Hope records the daily
lives of its characters
with a poetic rhythm
that evokes the ebb and
flow of life itself.
Dixon Hearne is a master
at capturing the “blue
reality” of life,
moments―both large and
small―that define the
hot days and long nights
of the deep south. With
language as gritty as
the blues and as
beautiful as a gospel
choir, he juxtaposes the
downtrodden with the
hopeful and the darkness
with the light and plays
out each story with
deft, lyrical
descriptions that make
the reader want to laugh
and sing with joy.
Order now at
Read Review:
Clarion Ledger
Missouri State
University Press proudly
new comic novella
- From Tickfaw to
Runner-up in the 2014
Competition, judged by
Moira Crone, and has
placed on
John Dufresne's
Recommended Reading List.
From Tickfaw
to Shongaloo
is now available from
Southeast Missouri State
University Press and
other book sellers. Also
available at
From Tickfaw to Shongaloo
is a comic
Southern tale
told in the
first person by
Raylene, a local
gossip in little
Louisiana. Bert
Dilly the
postmaster (we
learn, has been
spreading town
gossip like
everyone else),
fueled by his
habit of being a
little too
involved with
the local mail
(opened or not).
A disgruntled
maiden lady
writes a
scathing letter
of complaint,
which is
reported to the
stat postmaster,
and Bert’s
brother, J.T.,
accuses Bert of
incompetence (he
wants the family
land). Bert is
replaced until
the charges can
be taken up by a
federal court in
Baton Rouge.
Most of the town
rallies around
Bert, but the
hearing devolves
into a kangaroo
court, turning
citizens against
each other,
egged on by a
crooked lawyer
who crumbles
when the whole
matter blows up
in his face,
through his own
arrogance and
igorance of
certain facts
(crazy as they
were). After
three days of
testimony and
evidence, the
judge must make
his landmark
decision about
Bert, the mail,
and gossip in
the townsfolk
can hardly wait
to exchange
their own
versions of
honest truth.
Dixon Hearne has
taken up the
estimable mantle
of Southern
comic writers
that stretches
back to George
Harris and Mark
Digressions are
the sunshine of
this hilarious
novella, and
you’ll be
reminded of
Eudora Welty and
Laurence Sterne.
I haven’t
laughed so hard
since A
Confederacy of
author of
Louisiana Power
and Light
and No Regrets,
Dixon Hearne gives us
From Tickfaw to
Shongaloo and a
narrator who lets loose
memorable torrent of
small town gossip and
innuendo that will make
your head spin.
—Jill McCorkle,
author of Life After
Life and Going
Away Shoes
With From Tickfaw to
Shongaloo, Dixon
Hearne presents a
literary farce sung to
us in a hilarious, yet
authentic, voice. There
are eccentric characters
by the bus-full in this
novella, and that makes
for one wild and
sidesplitting ride.
—Skip Horack,
author of The Other
Joseph, The Eden Hunter,
and The Southern
His novella has enough
eccentrics to start five
freak shows, a very nosy
postmaster, a town that
rallies to defend their
crazies, and three days
of testimony in a Baton
Rouge courthouse meant
to keep everybody in one
small town in everyone
else’s business until
the end of time. Good
writing and quirky
—Moira Crone,
author of The Not
Yet, What Gets into Us
and The Ice

Dixon Hearne
teaches and writes in the American South. Much of his writing
draws greatly from the rich images in his daily life growing up
along the graceful river traces and bayous in West Monroe,
Louisiana. After many years of university teaching and writing
for research journals, his interests turned toward fiction and
poetry—and the challenge of writing in a different voice.
He is the author of several recent books,
including Native Voices,
Native Lands and
Plantatia: High-toned and Lowdown Stories
of the South—nominee
for the Hemingway Foundation/PEN award and winner of the
Creative Spirit Award-Platinum for best general fiction book.
His work has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has
received numerous other honors. He is editor of several recent
anthologies, including A Quilt of Holidays.
His work can be found widely in
magazines, journals, and anthologies, including
Oxford American, New Orleans
Review, Louisiana Literature,
Big Muddy,
Cream City Review, Wisconsin Review, Post Road,
New Plains Review, Weber-Contemporary West,
Mature Living,
Woodstock Revisited,
The Southern Poetry
Anthology: Louisiana,
and elsewhere.
He has a new
novella forthcoming from Southeast Missouri State University
Press and is currently at work on new short story and poetry
collections—as well as a series of interviews with American
writers. He is a frequent presenter and an invited speaker at
the Louisiana Book Festival and other events.
Contact Dixon Hearne